Join the weather stations network

Do you have an online weather station? Join for free the live weather network by filling in the form below.
The data will be available online in the satellite weather network, with graphs, histories and charts.

Realtime: the file generated by the “online data sending software” is mandatory to allow us to insert the station on the weather network. This file must be uploaded via FTP and its full path must be provided. Some programs have different names for it.
(Example: Cumulus calls it realtime.txt – Weather Display calls it clientraw.txt)

Use of Weatherlink Davis IP: it is necessary to provide the username and password of the Weatherlink account in the text box below, so as to be able to generate the xml and use this method of sending data.

Wunderground: the service was acquired by another company that changed the method to acquire data. To use this service now, it is necessary to provide the station ID and the API KEYS present in the Wunderground account of the station itself. The codes must be inserted in the appropriate text box below, so as to be able to generate the xml and use this method of sending data. Those who had already registered their station using the old Wunderground service can communicate the station ID and the API KEYS using the form “Contact Us”.

If you don’t know where to find the API KEYS, click here.

Please note: Please note that registrations received without filling in the required fields will be automatically rejected.

Recommended if other methods are selected. Required if Wunderground is selected.
Required if Wunderground is selected.
Required if Weatherlink Davis IP is selected.
Required if Weatherlink Davis IP is selected.
Accept only in HTTPS.